Friday, February 22, 2008

back..sort of!

Hello world! It's been so long - fully settled in, the dogs and myself are loving the new area and house, except for the colossal screwup about our internet - i am currently at the public library with only minutes left to send this to the world!

I am hoping to be back up and running net wise on Monday, and there will be much news!

Please, please leave me comments and let me know all is well - between the computer clock and the people getting mad at my loud typing, I really must go!

love to all xxxx


Susie said...

Yay, glad you're getting all settled in :)

One of the main reasons I hate moving is due to spending days with lack of Internet! Hope you can get it soon!

kat said...

Yay, she is alive and well. We all wondered if you fell off the face of the earth but I am glad you're back. Can't wait to hear the latest scoop. Have a great weekend.

Melisa Wells said...

I tagged you for a meme, so whenever your internet issues are solved, come back! :)

Miss you!

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